The Department of Social Services will hold a public hearing conference call on the proposed FY 2025 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The hearing is to obtain final comments on the proposed plan. It will be held Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time. The call-in number is 312-626-6799 and the meeting ID is 940 2592 5476.
Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained without charge from:
David Gall and/or
Program Administrator
and/or emailing a request to:
Department of Social Services
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
Draft Energy Assistance State Plan
FY 2024 and 2025
Community Services Block Grant
A public hearing will be held in the Department of Social Services Building, Pasque Conference Room, 811 East 10th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time, 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time, on the proposed State Plan for the Administration of the Community Services Block Grant. The hearing is to obtain final comments on the proposed plan.
Persons interested in providing final comments of the proposed plan may:
Written comments will be accepted at the address in Sioux Falls until 2:00 p.m. CDT, August 26, 2024.
After the written comment period, the Department of Social Services will consider all written and oral comments it receives on the proposed plan. The Department of Social Services may modify or amend the proposed plan at that time to include or exclude matters that are described in this notice.
For Persons with Disabilities: This hearing will be located at a physically accessible place. Please contact Department of Social Services at least 48 hours before the public hearing if you have special needs for which special arrangements can be made by calling (605)-910-5993.
Interested persons may obtain copies of the proposed State Plan by contacting
Lori Clark,
Program Specialist
Division of Economic Assistance
811 E. 10th St. Dept 10
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
Department of Social Services
Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Rules
A public hearing will be held in the Department of Social Services Building, Prairie Conference Room, 811 East 10th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, to consider the adoption and amendment of proposed Administrative Rules of South Dakota numbered
§§ 67:46:14:02, 67:46:14:05, and 67:46:14:13.
The effect of the rules will be to remove the three-month waiting period for the nonmedicaid children’s health insurance program (CHIP-NM) eligibility for individuals who were disenrolled from other coverage and to make style and form changes.
The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to comply with federal rules regarding the CHIP program.
Persons interested in presenting amendments, data, opinions, and arguments for or against the proposed rules may:
The deadline to submit any such written comments for consideration by the Department of Social Services is October 7, 2024, ten days after the date of the public hearing.
After the written comment period, the Department of Social Services will consider all written and oral comments it receives on the proposed rules. The Department of Social Services may modify or amend a proposed rule at that time to include or exclude matters that are described in this notice.
For Persons with Disabilities: This hearing will be located at a physically accessible place. Please contact the Department of Social Services at least 48 hours before the public hearing if you have special needs for which special arrangements can be made by calling (605)-367-5444 ext. 1000309.
Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained without charge from:
South Dakota Board of Social Work
Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Rules
A public hearing will be held at South Dakota Board of Social Work Office, located at 521 S. 32nd St., Suite B, in Spearfish, SD 57783 and by videoconference on September 27, 2024 at 11:00 a.m (MDT)/ 12 p.m (CDT) to consider the amendment of proposed Administrative Rules of South Dakota numbered
§§ 20:59:01:01 to 20:59:01:02.01, inclusive, 20:59:01:04.01, 20:59:01:07, 20:59:01:08, 20:59:01:10, 20:59:01:10.02 to 20:59:01:10.04, inclusive, 20:59:01:10.06, 20:59:01:10.07, 20:59:01:11, 20:59:01:14, 20:59:02:03.01, 20:59:04:02, 20:59:04:04, 20:59:04:06, 20:59:05:01 to 20:59:05:10, inclusive, 20:59:06:01, and 20:59:07:01.
The effect of the rules will be to update language that is no longer applicable or antiquated, clarify application requirements, combine relevant sections for clarity, add a multistate licensing category and fee pursuant to the adoption of the Social Work Licensure Compact, update supervision requirements for CSW-PIP candidates, update continuing education requirements and adopt the most recent version of the NASW code-of-ethics.
The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to provide clarity in the application process, update rules to include the new licensing category, update supervision requirements of CSW-PIP candidates to ensure candidates are receiving supervision by trained professionals relevant to the practice of Social Work and to ensure Social Workers at all levels are receiving continuing education in the area of social work ethics.
Persons interested in presenting amendments, data, opinions, and arguments for or against the proposed rules may appear in-person or via video conference at the hearing, or mail or e-mail them to the South Dakota Board of Social Work, 810 N. Main St. #298, Spearfish, SD 57783, or by going to
The deadline to submit any such written comments for consideration is September 23, 2024.
After the written comment period, the South Dakota Board of Social Work will consider all written and oral comments it receives on the proposed rules. The South Dakota Board of Social Work may modify or amend a proposed rule at that time to include or exclude matters that are described in this notice.
For Persons with Disabilities: This hearing will be located at a physically accessible place. Please contact the South Dakota Board of Social Work at least 48 hours before the public hearing if you have special needs for which special arrangements can be made by calling 605-642-1600.
Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained without charge from:
Department of Social Services
Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Rules
A public hearing will be held in the Department of Social Services Building, Prairie Conference Room, 811 East 10th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time, to consider the adoption and amendment of proposed Administrative Rules of South Dakota numbered
§§ 67:12:01:01 to 67:12:01:79, inclusive.
The effect of the rules will be to update statutory authority and to make style and form changes.
The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to remove the repealed statute citations throughout.
Persons interested in presenting amendments, data, opinions, and arguments for or against the proposed rules may:
The deadline to submit any such written comments for consideration by the Department of Social Services is October 11, 2024, ten days after the date of the public hearing.
After the written comment period, the Department of Social Services will consider all written and oral comments it receives on the proposed rules. The Department of Social Services may modify or amend a proposed rule at that time to include or exclude matters that are described in this notice.
For Persons with Disabilities: This hearing will be located at a physically accessible place. Please contact the Department of Social Services at least 48 hours before the public hearing if you have special needs for which special arrangements can be made by calling (605)-367-5444 ext. 1000309.
Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained without charge from: