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Behavioral Health

Professional Trainings and Certifications

County Board of Mental Illness (CBMI)

All members of the Board of Mental Illness are required to participate in a training prior to undertaking their duties. SDCL 27A-7-9.

Training Information

Example Documents

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP)

The 2020 South Dakota Legislature enacted several amendments and/or clarifying language to the statutory requirements pertaining to the emergency committal process. The amended statutes went into effect on July 1, 2020. Please take a few minutes to review this short summary of the changes to the statute so that you’re familiar with them as you perform QMHP evaluations.

The Department of Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health provides Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) training as required by SDCL 27A-1-7 to eligible professionals.

The web-based training provides education regarding the statutory requirements pertaining to the emergency committal process and must be completed every four years. This training is not required for professionals to provide services which are within the scope of a licensed discipline. However, QMHP training is required to conduct the examination specified in SDCL 27A-10-6.

If you have questions regarding QMHP training, please reference the document below or contact the Division of Behavioral Health at 605.367.5236.


  1. Ensure elgibility under SDCL 27A-1-3.
  2. Follow all of the registration and training instructions.
  3. Enroll and Complete the training.

Training Materials

Competency Evaluator

South Dakota Codified Law does not allow a person to be tried, sentenced or punished while they are mentally incompetent to proceed. If there is reasonable cause presented by the defense, the prosecution, or the courts an evaluation can be ordered to ensure that a defendant is able to understand the nature and consequences of the court proceedings and to assist properly in their defense.