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Press Releases

DSS News provides media and the public with current news and events happening within the Department of Social Services. If you need background or further information on any article, please contact us at or 605.773.3165.

For a list of past news release, please visit


May 22, 2024
Gov Noem Proclaims May Foster Care Appreciation Month
Sara Jo Kegler rattles off the list of accomplishments like a proud mom – honor roll, basketball and track teams, youth group and now high school graduate, but her son, Garry Crowe, is quick to give credit where he thinks it belongs.

“Everything mom brags about with me, it’s all come from her,” said the 18-year-old Crowe, who first met Kegler when he was placed as a foster child in her home when he was 12-years-old. “She introduced goals. She had expectations and consistency with the discipline. She showed me what it meant to be a family man.”

May 13, 2024
Governor Noem calls for community involvement as part of Prevention Week
Governor Kristi Noem has proclaimed May 12-18 as Prevention Week and is calling on all South Dakotans to join in making a difference and becoming actively involved in preventing substance misuse and promoting mental health.

May 6, 2024
Governor Noem challenges South Dakotans to check in on someone during Mental Health Awareness Month
It’s easy to talk about the small stuff like the weather. But deeper conversations, about how someone is really doing, can be hard. That’s why Governor Kristi Noem has proclaimed May as Mental Health Awareness Month, asking all South Dakotans to the take time to check in on someone. Ask how they are really doing.

Apr 22, 2024
Prescription Take-Back Day is Saturday, April 27
Since South Dakota began participating in the National Prescription Take-Back Day in 2017, nearly 53,000 pounds of medication has been collected for destruction through participating law enforcement locations. South Dakotans again have an opportunity to add to that total with the next Take-Back Day later this month.

March 4, 2024
DSS Opens Spring Application for Opioid Settlement Fund Community Grant Program

The Department of Social Services (DSS) has opened a second round of applications for the South Dakota Opioid Settlement Fund Community Grant Program.


For a list of past Mental Health Memos, please visit

July 01, 2024
Supporting A Loved One Through Recovery
Chances are you probably know someone who has been affected by addiction. With over 48 million people being diagnosed with a substance use disorder in 2022 (U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2022 National Survey Drug Use and Health Annual Report), anyone can suffer from addiction at any time during their life. 

June 04, 2024
Improving Your Mental Health by Getting Active Outside of the Gym
We’ve all been told that exercise is good for us. People are motivated to exercise for many different reasons such as losing weight, boosting endurance, and improving cardiovascular fitness. One benefit of exercise that is often overlooked, however, is the positive effect on your mental health.

May 02, 2024
Unlocking Mental Wellness in 8 Minutes
You've probably heard of Simon Sinek—he's that guy known for inspiring talks and books about leadership and finding purpose in what we do. But one of his lesser-known gems is the question he poses: "Do You Have 8 Minutes?" It might seem like a simple question, but its implications for mental health are profound.

Apr 03, 2024
What's in your Medicine Cabinet?
Spring cleaning this year? Don’t forget to include your medicine cabinet! Many of us accumulate multiple medications over the course of a year, whether it’s over the counter medication for a pesky cold or stronger medication prescribed to us by our doctor for a more serious medical condition.

Feb 12, 2024
Healthy Communication: I can't read your mind!
We’re all doing it – all day, every day, whether we want to or not, everyone is constantly communicating with each other. It helps each of us meet our needs as individuals. Although communication is a common yet important skill, healthy communication requires additional effort, time, and motivation. 

Jan 17, 2024
A DBT-Informed New Year: Building Mastery to Achieve Your Goals in 2024
The New Year is a new beginning filled with opportunity, inspiration, and optimism. Folks often set ambitious resolutions with good intentions of getting a fresh start in the New Year.