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Parenting Programs

Parenting Education Map

Common Sense Parenting

For contact information and to register for classes, visit Common Sense Parenting Partners.

If you are the parent of a toddler, preschooler, school age or teenage child and want to improve your parenting skills, the Boys Town Common Sense Parenting classes offered through the Department of Social Services' Division of Child Protection Services can assist you. The Common Sense Parenting Program is a product of years of research compiled by Boys Town. The Program’s easy-to-learn techniques address issues a parent may have with of communication, discipline, decision-making, relationships, and self-control when parenting. To find out more about the Common Sense Parenting Program, visit the Boys Town website.

Positive Indian Parenting

Positive Indian Parenting is an eight-week course that focuses on traditional and cultural parenting practices and values. During this course, individuals will learn to teach skills and traditions, as well as apply knowledge to the challenges and skill opportunities in modern parenting.

Positive Indian Parenting was developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association for American Indian and Alaska Native parents.

For More Information About Becoming a Trainer contact 605.773.3612

Visit to learn more about Positive Indian Parenting.

Parenting Educational Provider Resources