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Links and Resources

Below you will find a variety of links and other resources related to the Department of Social Services.

NOTE: The content and availability of these sites are beyond the control of the South Dakota Department of Social Services.

Administrative Rules
Administrative Rules from the South Dakota Legislature.

Administrative Proposed Rule Changes provides online access to the administrative agency rulemaking notices and proposed changes to the current administrative rules.  Changes to the rules may include adding new rules, amending current rules, transferring rules or repealing rules.

AdoptUsKids is a national photo listing service for children awaiting adoption across the United States.

American Public Human Services Association
Founded in 1930, the American Public Human Services Association, is a nonprofit, bipartisan organization of state and local human service agencies and individuals who work in or are interested in public human service programs. Our mission is to develop and promote policies and practices that improve the health and well-being of families, children, and adults.

Bridges to Benefits
Bridge to Benefits is a multi-state project sponsored by South Dakota Voices for Children and the Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota. It is designed to improve the well-being of families and individuals by linking them to public benefit programs and tax credits.

Bureau of Human Resourcesl - 605.773.3148
Online resource to working with the State of South Dakota; including jobs, benefits, pay, and more.

Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
The Child Welfare League of America is the nation’s oldest and largest membership-based child welfare organization.

Codified Laws
South Dakota Legislature Statutes and Constitution.

Delta Dental of South Dakota -1.800.627.3961
Delta Dental Plan of South Dakota is dedicated to providing dental care programs of superior value. Purchasers, providers and patients are provided with dental programs that are affordable, easy to administer, offer rate stability, and encourage regular professional care.

Department of Education - 605.773.3134
South Dakota’s Department of Education focuses their efforts on promoting leadership and service among administrators and educators, who touch the lives of children on a daily basis. Education also provides resources and services that directly impact children and their parents.

Department of Health - 605.773.3361
Provides information about Pandemic Flu, Mumps, WIC program, Disease Prevention, Licensing of Health Facilities, Tobacco Program, Community Health, and many others that keep the citizens of South Dakota healthy.

Department of Health - Vital Records - 605.773.4961
Conducts statistical analysis of health data gathered through the vital records data base, the department’s Cancer Data Registry, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and the annual survey of hospitals and nursing homes in the state. It also maintains birth, death, marriage, and divorce records for the state and issues certified copies of such records.

Department of Health - WIC Program - 605.773.3361
WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for eligible women, infants and children, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the South Dakota Department of Health. WIC is available for all counties in the state and is an equal opportunity program.

Department of Human Services - 605.773.5990
Assists citizens of South Dakota in obtaining services and support in the following areas: developmental disabilities, vocational rehabilitation and services to the blind and visually impaired. 

Department of Labor and Regulation - 605.773.3101
Enhances the South Dakota workforce by providing businesses with employment-related solutions and helps people with job placement and career transition services.

Eye America
This organization provides eye exams and up to one year of care to U.S. citizens and legal residents through volunteer ophthalmologists (EyeMDs) often at no out-of-pocket cost to those who qualify.

Federal Tax Clinic
The Federal Tax Clinic at the University of South Dakota School of Law provides free legal representation to low income individuals in disputes with the Internal Revenue Service.

Government Benefits helps people access government benefit eligibility information through a free, confidential and easy-to-use online screening tool. After answering some basic questions, users receive a customized report listing the benefit programs for which they may be eligible.

Housing Development Authority
Involved in issuing tax exempt bonds for the purpose of financing and developing both single-family and multifamily mortgage loans; the delivery of housing programs made available through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and the issuance of housing tax credits made available through the US Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Lifeline and Link-Up Program
Staying connected to family, friends and businesses is an important part of life. Having access to affordable telephone service for your home makes staying connected easier. You may qualify for Lifeline, a special program that helps reduce the cost of telephone service so you can connect for less. Lifeline helps eligible consumers save up to $5.25 on their monthly phone bill. The discount applies to wireline or wireless residential telephone service plans and is limited to one line per household. Residents of tribal lands, see Tribal Lifeline and Tribal Link Up. Eligible consumers may also be able to sign up for free toll blocking or toll limitation service that either blocks or limits long-distance calls from your phone.

LifeLine Pilots
LifeLine Pilots is a private, non-profit organization that provides people in medical and financial distress with access to free air transportation on small, private aircraft for health care and other compelling human needs.

Long-Term Care Partnership Program
The Long-Term Care Partnership Program aims to help individuals properly plan for their future. This public-private partnership creates an innovative program offering individuals quality, affordable long-term care insurance and a way to receive needed care without depleting all their assets.

Official U.S. Government site for people with Medicare.

Public Housing/Rental Assistance in South Dakota (HUD)
Get help paying your monthly rent in South Dakota.

SD QuitLine - 1.866.SD.QUITS (1.866.737.8487)
Access to: free professional advice, free quitting tobacco workbooks and materials, free nicotine withdrawal medication as well as referral to local cessation services, if requested. When you call, your "quit coach" will help you create a personal plan to help you stop. Your coach will also schedule coaching sessions that are convenient for you. All by phone!

South Dakota 211
2-1-1 is a simple way to connect people with human services. 2-1-1 is the three-digit telephone number assigned by the Federal Communications Commission for the purpose of providing quick and easy access to information about health and human services. Professional Information and Referral specialists work with callers to assess their needs, determine their options and a best course of action, then direct them to appropriate programs/services, provide support, intervene in crisis situations and advocate for the caller as needed.

South Dakota Homeless Consortium
The Council is challenged with a variety of duties including identifying and defining homeless issues, determining effective strategies for the prevention of homelessness in South Dakota, providing public education to, and working with various advocacy, business, and faith-based groups and consumers regarding policy and program development.

South Dakota Mental Health Directory
Provides a way for families throughout the state to easily find clinicians and agencies in their area who offer mental health services. Search by city, clinician’s name or mental health clinic. This site was developed by the HELP!Line Center and funded by the Wellmark Foundation as part of an ongoing children’s mental health awareness project initiated by South Dakota Voices for Children.

Unified Judicial System
Provides information on the following: Supreme Court, Bar Exam, Administration, Public Information, Contact Resources, Probation, South Dakota Jurors, Judicial Elections, Forms, and other information related to the South Dakota Unified Judicial System.
Provides a single gateway to government information arranged by topic, as well as by organization, and links to all state and territorial websites and many municipal sites. has over 900 external links and provides access to more than 125,000 pages in Spanish from the federal government, 42 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and local government websites. 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Learn about information pertaining to buying a home, the housing industry, homes for sale, and pertinent information about homes and communities related to your state.