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Report Benefit Fraud

Online Reporting Form

You can help reduce benefit fraud and abuse in South Dakota by reporting individuals who fraudulently receive benefits in the state. Call the 24-hour Welfare Fraud Hotline at 1.800.765.7867 or complete the below form.

Please complete the form as completely as possible. Explain the alleged fraud. Indicate if you wish to remain anonymous, meaning the client will not know who informed us of the fraud. Please keep in mind this form is for reporting benefit fraud in the State of South Dakota only.

Personal Information

Recipient's Name:

Name Alias:

Recipient's Address:

City, State and Zip:

Phone Number:

Date of Birth, or Age:

Vehicle Description
Note: Plate Number, color, year, make, model


Please Provide the Following Information

What is the alleged fraud?

Please list the name(s) of individuals(s) involved:

Is there an address?

If they are employed, where do they work?

How long has the fraud occurred?

List the names of witnesses who can verify the alleged fraud:

Do you wish to remain anonymous?

If No, please provide the following information:

Your Name:

Your Address:

City, State and Zip:

Phone Number:

Please complete the Captcha box so we know you're a real person