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Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) Advisory Committee

The Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) Advisory Committee consists of three non-voting members appointed by the Governor to the Board of Social Work Examiners. These members make recommendations to the Board of Social Work Examiners regarding ABA issues.

  • Lisa Stanley, DVM - Lay Member - Pierre
  • Amber Bruns, MS, BCBA - Sioux Falls
  • Dr. Kimberly Marson, RhD., BCBA-D, Sioux Falls

ABA Forms

Behavior Analyst Fees

  • Initial application fee - $300.00
  • Annual licensing fee - $350.00
  • An applicant applying for the initial license shall pay the initial application fee and the annual licensing fee.
  • Annual renewal fee - $300.00

Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) Advisory Committee
South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners
Brooke Tellinghuisen Geddes
Executive Director

810 N. Main St. Suite 298 
Spearfish, SD 57783
Phone: 605.642.1600
Fax: 605.722.1006 