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Orientation and Ongoing Health and Safety Training

Orientation Training Opportunities

Orientation and Ongoing Health and Safety Training Instructions

Orientation Training Information

South Dakota Child Care Provider Orientation Training
free online/on-demand training specific to South Dakota child care providers and meets the new federal requirements. The training is 6 hours long.

Orientation Training Verification Form

Level II Health and Safety Training
The Level II online, on-demand series meets ongoing training requirements for staff working in state licensed and registered child care programs who have completed the Level I SD Orientation to Child Care training series. The Level II training is to be completed within 5 years from the date the Level I orientation training was initiated. Classes in the Level II Training briefly review content from the 12 topic areas covered in the Level I SD Orientation classes as well as take a deeper look into each area. Completion of these classes will count towards your annual licensing training hours.

This training series can be taken over a short span of time or it can be taken over the period of 5 years from the time the initial SD Level I Orientation training is initiated to the 5-year deadline.

If you experience any technical issues with accessing the training or obtaining the training certificate, you may contact the Child and Family Resource Network at 800.354.8238.