All registered and licensed child care providers as well as informal and in-home providers receiving Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) funds are required by Federal law (45 C.F.R. 98.43) to complete in-state and out-of-state screenings. In state background screenings are required every five years. The following in-state background screenings are required:
The following out-of-state background screenings are required for each state an individual has resided within the past five years:
Screenings for family daycare providers and informal and in-home providers will be completed through the assistance of each regional licensing specialist located throughout the State. Each licensed child care program that holds a license to operate a group family daycare, day care center or before and after school program will be required to complete the steps listed under: SD Child Care Programs: In-State background Screening Requirements and SD Child Care Programs: Out-of-State background Screening Requirements below.
Providers are required to submit all paperwork including any other required documentation to:
Office of Licensing and Accreditation
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
Providers do not need to submit payment if there is a fee indicated. The DSS will pay any fees required. Results from the in-state and out-of-state screening process will be mailed to providers in the form of a letter once completed.
An individual is prohibited from providing care if the results of the background check include:
In addition, a person is ineligible to provide care if they:
Step One: Complete the Permission to Screen for Reports of Abuse and Neglect form
Step Two: Complete the fingerprint process for DCI and FBI. Fingerprint cards can be obtained from your local licensing specialist. If you do not have the ability to complete fingerprints on your own, the fingerprinting process can be completed by contacting your local licensing specialist.
Step Three: Complete the Child Care Declaration of Prior Criminal Conviction and Military History form
Step Four: Complete the Background Screening Cover Sheet showing all names of individuals requesting screening.
Step Five: Submit all documents to:
Office of Licensing and Accreditation
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501Note: It is suggested that providers make a copy of these documents and note the date sent. Results from the in-state screening process will be emailed to the provider once completed.
South Dakota is not a National Fingerprint File (NFF) or a National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact state.
Central Registry for Child Abuse and Neglect:
Complete the Permission to Screen for Reports of Abuse and Neglect form and submit to
Contact Information:
Child Protection Services
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
WebsiteNote: All Central Registry screening results will be returned to the individual who is being screened. The individual may share the screening result with a potential employer. A cleared screened will be documented with a stamp, date of clearance, and state representative signature on the form submitted. A screening takes an average of 5-7 business days from date of receipt to be returned.
Criminal Records Check
Refer to the South Dakota Criminal Investigation website for complete instructions on obtaining a criminal record check. Note, you will need to submit fingerprints, include a check or money order for $26.75 and signed authorization.Contact Information:
Office of the Attorney General
1302 E Hwy 14, Suite 1
Pierre, SD 57501
605.773.3215 | Fax 605.773.4106
TTY: 605.773.6585 (For the Hearing Impaired)
State Sex Offender Registry Check
The South Dakota Sex Offender Registry is maintained by the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. The website offers several methods to which individuals can search the registry.Contact Information:
South Dakota Department of Corrections
3200 E Hwy 34
c/o 500 East Capital Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
605.773.3478 | Fax 605.773.6810
Website | FAQ
The National Sex Offender Public website allows you to search sex offender registries for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and Indian Country.
Screenings for family day care providers and informal and in-home providers will be completed through the assistance of each regional licensing specialist located throughout the State. Each child welfare agency that holds a license to operate a group family daycare, day care center, or before and after school program will be required to complete the following steps:
Step One: If child care provider, employee, or potential employee has lived OUTSIDE of the State of South Dakota as an adult (age 18 or older) and in the past five years, please download the Program Cover letter and complete it for all appropriate individuals. This form is to be completed and submitted even if there are no additional forms required due to a National Fingerprint File (NFF) or closed state. An out-of-state sex offender registry check will still be completed. Please note: this form can ONLY be used for out-of-state child care background screenings.
Step Two: For everyone listed on the form in step one, download the appropriate out-of-state background screening forms (central registry and criminal record check) for each state lived in within the past five years, using the links under the heading below. Individuals must complete the forms, any other documentation required; needed; and submit back to the child care program. Some forms require the signature to be notarized.
Missouri: This state will only send the results to the individual screened. The individual or program is required to submit the results to DSS to determine final eligibility. The results can be sent to the address under Step Three or emailed to
Nebraska: Requires a parent signature for individuals 19 years of age or younger for the Central Registry Screening form. Please obtain the parental signature prior to submitting for screening.
The SD Child Care Licensing Office will complete the out-of-state sex offender registry check.
Step Three: Submit the cover sheet from step one and all completed forms from step two to the following address:
Office of Licensing and Accreditation
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
The following documents, arranged by State, are for use by South Dakota child care providers when submitting forms for their staff out of state central registry and criminal record background checks.