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Child Care Training and Education

The Department of Social Services, Child Care Services (CCS) collaborates with five Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) sites across the state to deliver a variety of services focused on parents, child care and after-school providers.

The ECE statewide training and education system was established to meet the growing demand for early childhood and school-age training and to help recruit and retain quality child care providers across the state.

South Dakota’s ECE Programs offer a systematic approach to providing early childhood and school age education services and technical assistance. See the 2024 South Dakota Early Childhood Enrichment Annual Report and the tabs below for additional information regarding their activities.

For additional information or to register for training, contact your Regional ECE Office

Child Care Training & Education

Services are available to all childcare and after-school providers, parents and others involved in the day-to-day care of children and youth. The ECE sites provide the following services for child care providers:

Training and Professional Development

The ECE System offers a variety of evidence and research-based professional development opportunities. Trainings are accessible to child care providers across the state through in-person, online, and on-site delivery. Trainings are offered not only meet licensing and registration requirements but to also improve the quality of care. Classes are available for caregivers working in Infant/Toddler, Preschool, and Out of School Time (OST) settings. Each year, the ECE system develops new trainings to support ongoing professional development for child care and youth development professionals. Trainings cover a wide variety of topics including:

  • Health and Safety
  • Child Growth and Development
  • Child Guidance and Emotional Wellness
  • Learning Environment and Curriculum
  • Family & Community Relationships
  • Program Management and Professionalism

Additional information on Training and Professional Development within the ECE sites:

ECE Training calendar

Technical Assistance (TA) and Coaching Support

Onsite coaching and consultation providing support, education, and resources. The focus is on increasing the provider’s knowledge and confidence to support all children. TA topics include:
  • Guidance and behavior management
  • Understanding a child’s temperament
  • Program management and leadership support
  • Environmental support
  • Lesson planning and other classroom supports
  • Observation and Assessment

Social Emotional Supports

ECE system offers support to child care providers and parents involving children who exhibit challenging behaviors or developmental concerns. Supports available include:

  • Developmental Milestones and Screenings
  • Onsite Observations
  • Identifying Community Resources

South Dakota's Expulsion Policy

DSS Training Opportunities

Other services

  • Telephone consultations for early childcare professionals and families.
  • Promoting the health, safety and development of young children in early childhood and out of school time programs.

Parent and Caregiver Training & Education

Various services are also available to parents and caregivers in order to enhance the development, health and safety of children. The services are aimed at empowering families who directly affect the lives of children. The ECE sites provide the following services for parents:

Birth to Three Parenting Training Opportunities

Parenting training for parents and caregivers of children birth to age 3 is available in two formats: Responsive Parenting and Understanding Me Up to Age Three. During each of these series, parents will learn about topics such as social-emotional growth, early brain development, safety, temperament and guidance. Instructors have been specially trained in infant-toddler caregiving. Both series are available in different locations throughout the state and are free.

Additional information on how to enroll in a parenting class:

Child Safety Seat Distribution Program

Child Safety Seat Distribution Program

The Child Safety Seat Distribution Program focuses on keeping children safe by providing child safety seats at no cost to families that meet income eligibility requirements to ensure that they are in the best child seat for their height and weight.